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Your 1Life Starts Now!

Meet Dr. Michelle
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We envision a world where Christ-centered living isn't just a concept, but the way of life.

We're on a mission to close the gaps between theology and reality, empowering individuals to actively embrace lives of faith in God through the principles of abiding, healing, and connection. 

At our core is the transformative 1Life Theological Framework,

which is rooted in biblical wisdom, guided by revelatory insight and informed by social research.

Through curated content, candid conversations, and practical mentorship,

we equip individuals  to become voices of hope, beacons of light, and catalysts for change.

At EPI, you'll discover the radiant Pathway to flourishng with meaning, clarity and joy!


Meet Dr. Michelle Jeremie

Disrupting Distances and Closing Gaps in Faith

As a faith leader and life strategist, Dr. Michelle is called and committed to building up the people of God by closing the gaps between theology and reality through abiding, healing, and connection.


She understands the distance, powerlessness, and lack of clarity that many followers of Jesus Christ experience as they aim to navigate life successfully. Dr. Michelle has made it her life's mission to equip people to live by the brilliant light of God's word and walk in the profound peace that comes from His abiding presence to flourish with meaning, belonging, and focus.

Dr. Michelle's life and ministry have been shaped by learning to locate herself fully and completely at home in God and to live and lead from that place of intimacy, security, and trust. This is the dimensional reality of the 1Life that she mentors others to experience in their spheres of influence.

Why EP?


“I love Dr Michelle! I felt like she carried the radiant presence in such a unique way- beautifully authentic, anointed, congenial and well based on the Word!
I was so blessed!" 

— SJ

Let's Stay Connected!

Join us on this journey of living the abundant life in Christ, finding purpose, belonging, and clarity!

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